My Short Bio

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I’m a graduate studentstudent of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. I am highly interested in various fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning methodologies and its applications in Computer Vision, Medcial Imaging and Natural Language Processing. I am currently a member of Computer Vision and Medical Imaging Lab under the supervision of Prof. Seong Jae Hwang.

I spent Summer 2018 as an undergraduate research assistant in Data Mining group of Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany supervised by Prof. Stefan Kramer. I worked with my supervisor, Zahra Ahmadi on the ideas of Deep learning. The aim of our project was designing new symbolic deep architecture based on Hoeffding Trees. We Submitted an extended abstract to DeCoDeML workshop of ECML PKDD 2019 in Wurzburg, Germany as an unfinished work which I am planning to participate from September 16 to September 20. We are still working on this project and willing to submit the full paper soon. Before that, I was working on a project with my advisor, Dr. Maryam Amir Haeri, in cooperation with the Data Mining group of Johannes Gutenberg University on the ideas of merging Desicion Trees and Density Estimation.

I was also president of the Student Scientific Chapter of Computer Engineering and IT department of Amrikabir University of Technology from January 2017 to March 2018. My team and I managed it to hold more than 70 national and international events, contests, seminars, and workshops.

Currently, I am a research assistant in Center for Biomedical and Health Informatics at Shahid Rajaei Cardiovascular, Medical & Research Center, Tehran, Iran, under the supervision of Dr. Mehrdad Oveisi as an Intern student. We are applying Machine Learning algorithms on biomedical problems, particularly in Cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, besides of academic and professional aspect of my life, I spend most of my free times on sports. I used to pursue Table Tennis as a profession before starting my studies in college. I am also a member of my universities table tennis team. Moreover, I enjoy traveling and tourisms. I believe traveling teaches you lessons, and you gain experiences that you cannot find in any books.

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